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Excerpt from "Acknowledgements" section of Ukuphemba Umthethosisekelo Wakho / Creating Your Constitution, a 171-page English-language / Zulu-language handbook published in 1994 by the Community Law Centre, with support from Shell South Africa.  © Copyright 1994 Community Law Centre

[The Community Law Centre has since changed its name to Community Law & Rural Development Centre.  It is a South African non-governmental organisation affiliated to the University of Natal.]

"Acknowledgements" (excerpt)

"THE COMMUNITY LAW CENTRE (CLC) has been working with communities in rural KwaZulu Natal and the Eastern Cape (formerly part of Transkei) for almost six years. 

In January 1995, the CLC will expand operations into ten more rural communities, increasing the total population served to almost two million.

Creating Your Constitution forms part of the CLC's programme to help enable rural communities to take full control of their lives and to ensure active participation of rural people at all levels of government and civil society....

...This book would not have been possible without the generous support of our funders, including Shell South Africa (Pty) Ltd.  The CLC thanks them for their contributions to building an informed, democratic society."