Bill Ford, Chairman of the Board, Ford Motor Company (headquartered in USA):

" There is the emerging consensus around climate change. This stands out from other environmental issues because of its potentially serious consequences and its direct relationship to our industry. The global temperature is rising and the evidence suggests that the shift is being affected by human activity, including emissions related to fossil fuels used for transportation. While uncertainties remain, make no mistake about it: We believe it is time to take appropriate action.

While some might find motivation in fear, we approach this with a more hopeful perspective. We see an opportunity to play a significant role in building solutions and creating markets.

There is the emerging focus on globalization. With dramatic increases in the flow of information around the world, people are better equipped to ask questions about the ways companies impact communities. That includes the treatment of employees; a key factor in how people judge corporate responsibility. For some companies, the issue is basic human rights. For Ford Motor Company, it will be revealed more subtly, as we explore our impact in communities beyond the gates of our factories or those of our suppliers. The landscape of accountability has changed and so has the criteria for leadership.

All of these changes are good for customers and citizens around the world, and those companies willing and able to change quickly.

To be among those companies that can change quickly enough to turn these societal shifts into marketplace advantage won't be easy. Some will question our sincerity; others will misinterpret our intentions. To energize the process, we'll need to set targets that are grand enough to inspire and realistic enough to achieve. And we'll need to set those targets before we're absolutely certain of how to reach them. That is the process unfolding today at Ford Motor Company."

[from Building Relationships...and Setting the Course: Bill Ford on Transparency, in 2000 Corporate Citizenship Report, Ford Motor Company, May 2001)]