Nani Palkhivala, formerly senior executive, prinicipal legal adviser and board member at Tata Group, Professor of Law, Senior Advocate of the Supreme Court of India, Ambassador of India to USA (India):

"We must evolve new standards of measurement for determining the ranking of business.  The new standards would have to be qualitative, and not quantitative in terms of mere output and profits.  It is true that a business must do well before it can do good; but, at the same time, it is not enough that a business does well only for its owners....What is needed is a commitment of time and energy to public causes which transcends the materialistic objectives of business.  The businessman must give not only money but of himself to the human values which are so essential to the quality of democratic life.  He must get personally involved, and not merely be content to place his resources at the disposal of others for public causes....Businessmen would have to adopt the type of outlook indicated above, if they want to survive in the changing world.  They would have to adapt themselves to the new environment in which emphasis is rightly put on social and economic justice."

[Nani Palkhivala, "The humanistic face of capitalism," speech to the Indian Merchants Chamber, Bombay, 1974, in N. Palkhivala, We, The People (Bombay: Strand Book Stall, 1991), pp. 71-72]